A pick of the best coverage of the Prop 8 repeal

Court Strikes Down Ban on Gay Marriage in California
The New York Times recounts how the federal appeals court in California reached its decision on Perry v. Brown (the Prop. 8 case).

Ninth Circuit Strikes Down Prop. 8
The Williams Institute, UCLA, summarizes some of the demographic data on same-sex couples that was used in the case of Perry v. Brown.

A right to be called "married" in California
The Economist delves into a key argument in Perry v. Brown on the symbolic and social importance of the word "marriage".

Proposition 8 'may not reach Supreme Court'
The Guardian examines why proponents of Prop. 8 may have a difficult time persuading the United States Surpreme Court to take up the legality of same-sex marriage.

Alex Ingrams
SPSSI Policy Coordinator

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