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2018-2021 JSI Editor


Carey S. Ryan is a SPSSI Fellow and Professor of Psychology at the University of Nebraska Omaha. She received a B.A. in Psychology from the University of Nebraska Lincoln; an MSW from the University of Nebraska Omaha; and an M.A. and Ph.D. in Psychology from the University of Colorado Boulder. She was an Assistant and then Associate Professor of Psychology at the University of Pittsburgh prior to returning home to Omaha in 2001.

Her SPSSI activities include serving on the editorial board of the Journal of Social Issues; co-editing an issue of the journal titled Latinos and Latino Immigrants in the U.S.; and serving on the Grants-in-Aid, Gordon Allport Intergroup Relations Prize, EAESP/SPSSI International Small Conferences, Action Grants for Experienced Scholars, and Louise Kidder Early Career Award Selection Committees. She also co-authored with Geoffrey Maruyama the 8th edition of Research Methods in Social Relations.

Her research interests include stereotyping, prejudice, and intergroup relations; workplace diversity issues; group socialization; and cross-cultural gender differences and similarities. She is also co-author with Charles M. Judd and Gary H. McClelland of Data Analysis: A Model Comparison Approach to Regression, ANOVA, and Beyond.