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Leslie Vernon-Dunnigan


Riley Henry

Study (In) Action: Psychology’s Duty to Public Policy

Leslie Vernon-Dunnigan, Chair, Graduate Student Committee,
University of Michigan

Riley Henry, Chair-Elect, Graduate Student Committee,
Loyola University Chicago

With the world rife with discord and strife, the GSC is focused on the bloom of this year’s conference: action. Historically, psychology has been at the forefront of public policy. Research has been used to justify policies that have helped and harmed the most vulnerable of society, such as the treatment of the intellectually disabled (Ilyes, 2020). Psychology must work as an “ally, advocate, and activist” (Melton, 2018) to move social justice forward and ensure the well-being of all humans. Our focus this year and the pre-conference theme is “Study (In)Action: Psychology’s Duty to Public Policy.” Our preconference features events focused on ways to expand the impact of research outside of academia and how to become further involved with policy work.

Our policy chair, Ebony Gabriel, has organized a policy series with other APA divisions reflecting areas that need further advocacy, such as the ongoing war on Gaza and issues of modern-day slavery. Our academic chair, Katelyn Pritcher, has also organized a panel on innovative ways to incorporate social justice into pedagogical practices within psychology.

We are returning to our essay contest this year with the theme “Bodily Autonomy and Policy.” We are interested in submissions that reflect on how to advocate for bodily autonomy across various policy domains, such as transgender rights, reproductive rights, and abolition. Join us on our discord server or during one of our protected writing sessions next semester.

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