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Diane Hall



Carolyn Weisz


SPSSI Teaching and Mentoring Committee Updates and Visions

Dr. Diane Hall, Professor of Psychology, Bay Path University 
Co-chair, Teaching and Mentoring Committee

Dr. Carolyn Weisz, Professor Emerita, University of Puget Sound
Co-chair, Teaching and Mentoring Committee

This past year, the Teaching and Mentoring Committee worked on ways to improve communication and help streamline the process to apply for SPSSI grants and teaching awards. For example, with the collaboration of committee member William Ryan and SPSSI Manager of Programs and Operations Justin Belsley, enhancements were made to the web page to help members better understand the application process and more easily identify the types of teaching awards and grants offered and their due dates. Additionally, the Committee worked with the SPSSI Council (led by Emily Fisher, Council Liaison) to change some of the deadlines so recipients invited to present at the next SPSSI annual conference will have more advanced notice to plan and obtain funding through their institution if available.  Click here Teaching and Mentoring Honors and Awards to explore SPSSI’s teaching and mentoring grants and awards.

There are SPSSI members doing incredible and innovative things in the classroom and in the community. The Teaching and Mentoring Committee encourages the sharing of ideas and has improved the process for collecting teaching resources to be posted on the SPSSI website. Please consider sharing your ideas, syllabi, activities, or web resources with others, or perusing these valuable resources to spark some ideas for yourself. Click here Teaching Resources to access the newly designed resource page, make a submission, or obtain insightful ideas and tools.

Committee member Azenett Garza improved the Teaching and Mentoring Committee’s social media presence by advertising SPSSI grants and awards on various digital platforms. She also posted information about three sessions held at the June conference in Philadelphia:

A. SPSSI Teaching Award Winners (led by Emily Fisher)

B. Social Justice Teaching: Discussions with SPSSI Grant Recipients (led by Co-chair Carolyn Weisz)

C. Mentoring Session: An Open Q&A Forum (led by Co-chair Diane Hall, William Ryan, and Azenett Garza)

Moving forward, the Teaching and Mentoring Committee is considering new ways to support SPSSI members teaching about social justice issues. The Committee is exploring the possibility of conducting webinars on teaching social justice subjects and leveraging the pool of talent and experience of the diverse group of SPSSI instructors. The Committee is also discussing ways to enhance mentoring opportunities for SPSSI’s students.

The Teaching and Mentoring Committee welcomes any ideas or suggestions. Please feel free to reach out to Co-chair Dr. Diane Hall at with any questions or ideas.

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