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2024 Innovative Teaching Award Winner:  Dr. Janice Habarth and Colleagues

Jan Habarth, PhD, is the lead instructor for Research Methods & Stats I at Palo Alto University (PAU).  This award honors her and her team's work to infuse research methods instruction with feminist and DEIB perspectives.  Numerous faculty and TAs have contributed to the development of this course over the past decade.  TAs who contributed directly to the materials submitted for this award include Clarissa Velez, Leila Wallach, Maxwell Hart,Taylor Short; Nat Bricker, Darcy Oryall, and Maya Wong.

Dr. Habarth, is an Associate Professor of Psychology at Palo Alto University (PAU), where she mentors doctoral students in the Personality & Social Norms Research Lab.  Dr. Habarth strives to integrate feminist and DEIB considerations into her research, clinical training, and pedagogical efforts.   Her primary research focus involves socially normative attitudes about sexual orientation and gender, with a distal aim of supporting healthcare providers to engage effectively with diverse populations.  Dr. Habarth developed the Heteronormative Attitudes and Beliefs Scale (Habarth 2015), which has been applied in studies across the U.S. and internationally.  She also contributed to the development of the Gender Minority Stress and Resilience Scale (Testa, Habarth, Peta, Bockting, & Balsam, 2015).  She is an Associate Director for Academic and Research Training for PAU's Clinical Psychology PhD Program, and faculty advisor for the Psychological Association for Gender Expression and Sexual Orientation (PAGES) student group.  

Dr. Habarth completed a joint PhD in Clinical Psychology and Women's Studies at the University of Michigan, including a pre-doctoral internship at the University of Michigan's Institute for Human Adjustment.  She subsequently completed a two-year postdoctoral fellowship in clinical health psychology at Michigan State University's Consortium for Advanced Psychology Training (Flint Area Medical Education).   Since beginning her graduate training at U-Michigan in 2002, she has worked as an instructor, researcher, and clinician in public university, private university, liberal arts college, and academic medicine settings.