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2008 Outstanding Teaching and Mentoring Award Winner (Graduate Institutions)






Dr. Martin S. Greenberg, University of Pittsburgh

Now in his fifth decade of membership, Professor Greenberg is a Fellow in SPSSI and has shown a long commitment to the organization and its goals. Dr. Greenberg has decades of experience linking teaching to social problems, particularly in both social justice and psychology and the law. Professor Greenberg has served students—at the University of Michigan, Washington University, and primarily at the University of Pittsburgh—in a wide variety of roles: as mentor, as lecturer, as ombudsman, as internship supervisor, thesis chair, and as recipient of the Chancellor’s Distinguished Teaching Award. His teaching in the classroom is described as challenging and thought-provoking. He has had an impact on the values education and career choices of hundreds of undergraduates. His “dedication, integrity, and most importantly, his compassionate caring, have made him a professional and personal role model.” You can read Professor Greenberg's recent article Teaching and Learning Committee Feature: "The Flawed Lecture Technique as a Way of Increasing Student Involvement" and find out more about him here.



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