Policing in a Time of Budget Cuts:
Immigration and Community Relations
Monday, 25 July, 2011, 11.00am to 12.30pm
2237 Rayburn House Office Building
The United States Capitol
Washington, DC
Light refreshments will be provided
- Michele Waslin, Senior Policy Analyst, the Immigration Policy Center
- Dr. Margaret Brady-Amoon, Professor of Psychology, Seton Hall University
- Chief Kim Dine, Chief of Police of the Frederick, Maryland Police Department
- Ezekiel Edwards, Staff Attorney with the American Civil Liberties Union Criminal Law Reform Project
- Dr. Todd Lucas, Professor of Psychology, Wayne State University
In a recent report from the Police Executive Research Forum Critical Issues in Policing Series, Is the Economic Downturn Fundamentally Changing How We Police?, police chiefs around the country agreed that economic cutbacks could lead to pivotal changes in policing. In such an environment, training on how to police in communities with immigration, and ethnic and linguistic diversity might be deemed an unaffordable luxury. SPSSI invites interested stakeholders to a public discussion intended to shed light both on current policy developments in law enforcement and immigration, and on new scientific research being conducted by our panel experts that may aid policymakers in addressing these challenges. Please join us for this informative discussion on the future of policing in America.