18 February 2011
Today, the House of Representatives went into its third day of open debate on federal funding leading up to October 2011. The bill under consideration, H.R.1, proposes cuts of $359.5 million to the NSF and $1.6 billion to the NIH. These cuts would mean the elimination of some research vital to public health, industry, education, community development and many other areas. Furthermore, if the bill passes, the cuts would be factored into spending that has already taken place in 2011 so would therefore be felt very deeply by budgets.
The Coaltion to Promote Research, of which SPSSI is a part, is urging its members to contact their representative to urge them to vote in support of NSF and NIH funding that is a critical part of the nation’s future academic leadership, competitiveness, and growth. If you wish to take action, talking points on NSF funding can be found on the SPSSI website. The Ad Hoc Group for Medical Research has a great resource of talking points on NIH funding. The House is aiming to call a vote tonight but deliberations may go on much longer.
Other resources:
CAP article for a good synopsis of the CR proposals relating to science and research:
A table of all the CR cuts can be viewed here:
Cartoon of the week: Economics and Gardening