Dalmas Taylor Seminar a Huge Success -- Event Materials Now Available Online
The Dalmas Taylor Seminar was a very successful event which gathered scholars, advocates, and applicants to the Dalmas Taylor Fellowship from across the country, including Dr. James Jones, Dr. A.J. Franklin, and Dr. Kay Deaux. Introductory presentations on the impetus of policy-relevant research and the work of Dalmas Taylor were followed by a series of roundtable and panel discussions, as well as presentations. Throughout the day, attendees engaged the relationship between public policy and research about education, physical and mental health, criminal justice, and culture and identity. The seminar was driven by a focus on strategizing effective research and building collaborations – from seeking funding to conducting research, and meeting with policy makers. The day-long seminar was tightly strung together with insights from 'elders' and the enthusiasm of young scholars. The linked PDF includes the list of attendees, biographies of scholars, and evaluations from the Seminar.