Event Alert!/Resource
Dear SPSSI members,
We have been asked to share the following invitation with you by our friends at The American Council for an Energy Efficient Economy:
Every other year, The American Council for an Energy Efficient Economy hosts the Summer Study on Energy Efficiency in Buildings in Pacific Grove, CA. This event attracts some of the greatest minds in our field to discuss a wide range of research and efforts to move us all in a more energy efficient direction.
For the 2010 conference (August 15-20), we are reaching out to social scientists from outside the energy field as well so we can learn from their insights about human behavior and decision-making. Conversely, this conference is also a terrific venue for social scientists to learn more about current thinking and efforts to influence energy behavior.
Below, I have included the web address for the conference announcement and a brief description of the human and social dimensions panel below. Abstracts for peer-reviewed papers are due on October 23.
Human and Social Dimensions of Energy Use: Trends and Their Implications - Panel Leaders: Ingo Bensch, Energy Center of Wisconsin and Christopher Payne, Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory
The exploration of the most complex component of energy-using systems: the people who design, create, acquire, and use energy-consuming devices; lessons from various disciplines to illuminate how to best understand and influence human choices that affect energy consumption with particular insights explicitly linked to theoretical frameworks of social science disciplines.
Thank you for your consideration. My co-panel leader and I welcome any questions you might have about this conference.
Dear SPSSI members,
The Society for the Psychological Study of Social Issues (SPSSI) invites nominations of Division 9 members for potential Fellow status in the American Psychological Association (APA) or in SPSSI independent of APA. Nominations may be made by any current SPSSI member or Fellow. Self-nominations are welcome.
The SPSSI Fellows Committee consists of Margaret Bull Kovera (Chair), Susan Sorenson, and Daryl Wout.
The deadline for receipt of nominations is November 2, 2009. Please e-mail all nominations to Margaret Bull Kovera (mkovera@jjay.cuny.edu). Include the nominee’s name, professional affiliation, and contact information (including e-mail address), and a brief statement concerning the nominee’s eligibility, based on the requirements listed above. In addition, please indicate the nominee’s current APA membership status (i.e., member, Fellow, or nonmember).
The deadline for receipt of all application materials (nominee’s materials and endorser letters) is January 4, 2010. Please send all supporting materials both electronically (via e-mail to mkovera@jjay.cuny.edu) and in paper form (via post/express delivery). Three hard copies of the application materials should be sent to:
Prof. Margaret Bull Kovera
Department of Psychology
John Jay College of Criminal Justice
City University of New York
445 W. 59th St.
New York, NY 10019 USA
[Telephone: 212-484-1112]
APA and SPSSI each have requirements for members to be elected as Fellows. The APA requires potential Fellows to meet all of the following requirements:
♦ Member of APA for at least one year.
♦ Five or more years of acceptable post-doctoral experience.
♦ Currently engaged in advancement of psychology.
♦ Evidence of unusual and outstanding contributions or performance in the field of Psychology. (The APA Fellows Committee has usually interpreted “unusual and outstanding contributions” to mean those who have had demonstrable national impact.)
SPSSI requires potential Fellows to meet the following requirements:
♦ Member of SPSSI/Division 9 for at least 5 years.
♦ Evidence of outstanding contributions or performance in at least one of the following areas:
• Application of the methods of psychology and social sciences to research on socially relevant issues
• Dissemination (including teaching) of relevant research information bearing on social issues
• Application of research results to the resolution of social issues
• Outstanding contribution to the resolution of social issues at the action level
• Major contributions to SPSSI as an organization.
Based on these requirements, there are three different ways to become a Fellow of SPSSI.
1. SPSSI members who belong to APA but are not currently an APA Fellow can be considered for Fellow status if they meet both the APA and SPSSI requirements listed above.
2. SPSSI members who are already an APA Fellow through another division can be considered for SPSSI Fellow status if they meet the SPSSI requirements listed above.
3. SPSSI members who do not belong to APA can be considered for SPSSI Fellow status if they meet the SPSSI requirements listed above.
For More Information
Detailed information about the nomination and application procedures is available at: