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The Impacts of COVID-19 on Psychology Education & Training: Concerns, Disparities, and Recommendations


The Impacts of COVID-19 on Psychology Education & Training


Released in September of 2020, this report synthesizes concerns about the impact of COVID-19 on psychology education and training, with a particular focus on how COVID-19 might widen inequalities within higher education. 

The report was authorized by the Executive Committee of APA Division 44 (Society for the Psychology of Sexual Orientation and Gender Diversity) and APAGS (American Psychological Association of Graduate Students), and was authored by Joshua Wolff, PhD (Division 44), Blanka Angyal, MA, EdS, EdM (APAGS), Eddy Ameen, PhD (Independently Affiliated), and Theresa Stueland Kay, PhD (Division 44). 

A number of APA divisions and affiliates contributed to this report, including SPSSI (APA Division 9). 

Thank you to the following people for contributing to this report on behalf of SPSSI: Kim A. Case, PhD, Asia A. Eaton, PhD, Stephanie A. Fryberg, PhD, Neil A. Lewis, Jr., PhD, Sarah H. Mancoll, MS, Victoria C. Plaut, PhD, Abigail J. Stewart, PhD, and Linda R. Tropp, PhD.