Action Teaching Awards |
Honors innovative teaching that contributes to peace, social justice, and sustainable living at the same time that it educates students. Entries may include a high-impact student assignment, classroom activity, field experience, or web-based demonstration.
Action Teaching Grants |
In support of innovative teaching that contributes to peace, social justice, and sustainable living at the same time that it educates students.
Applied Social Issue Internship |
For research that is conducted in cooperation with a community or government organization, public interest group or other not-for-profit entity that will benefit directly from the project.
Clara Mayo Grants Program |
In support of masters' theses and pre-dissertation research on sexism, racism, or prejudice.
Conference Travel Grants |
To cover all conference-related expenses including conference registration, economy transportation, lodging, and approved food expenses.
Crosby-Spendlove Travel Grant |
Given to a student to travel and cover expenses for the SPSSI Annual Conference in each year that the event falls.
Distinguished Service to SPSSI Award |
Click here for a list of winners.
Grants-in-Aid Program |
In support of scientific research in social problem areas related to the basic interests and goals of SPSSI and particularly those that are not likely to receive support from traditional sources.
Gordon Allport Prize |
An award is given to the best paper or article of the year on intergroup relations.
Innovative Teaching Award |
An award is given innovative teaching in areas related to the psychological study of social issues. This award recognizes effective courses, assignments, or classroom activities addressing social issues.
Kurt Lewin Award |
Presented annually for outstanding contributions to the development and integration of psychological research and social action.
Local- and State-Level Policy Work |
To enable small groups of researchers to engage in policy work at the state or local levels.
Louise Kidder Early Career Award |
To recognize social issues researchers who have made substantial contributions to the field early in their careers.
Lynn Stuart Weiss Lecture |
An annual lecture given at the APA convention in memory of Lynn Stuart Weiss, a promising young scholar whose interests centered on the science and art of politics, with a focus on world law.
Michele Alexander Early Career Award |
Awarded in recognition of early career excellence in scholarship as well as in service.
Otto Klineberg Award |
An award is given to the best paper or article of the year on intercultural or international relations.
Outstanding Teaching & Mentoring Award |
For outstanding teaching/mentoring in areas related to the psychological study of social issues.
Researchers in the Global South Grants Program |
SPSSI’s Researchers in the Global South (RGS Grants Program) is a unique funding opportunity for international members of SPSSI conducting research on social issues outside of the United States.
Social Issues Dissertation Award |
For doctoral dissertations in psychology (or in a social science with psychological subject matter).
SAGES Grants Program |
For retired SPSSI members to apply their knowledge to helping solve social problems or to assist policy makers to solve social problems.
SEAS Grants Program |
Intended to promote awareness of SPSSI, to identify potential new members, and to promote SPSSI membership through small-scale events hosted by a member of the Society.
Teaching Development Grants |
Intended to provide networking opportunities, promote awareness of SPSSI, and increase SPSSI membership through support of small scale events, initiatives that enhance SPSSI membership or pre-conference smaller meetings related to the teaching of social justice issues.
Teaching Resources Award |
Award for teaching resources to reward innovative activities, assignments, and projects related to the psychological study of social issues.
Two-Year College Teaching & Mentoring Excellence Award |
Award recognizing the contributions of faculty at two-year institutions in furthering SPSSI's mission to advance the understanding of social issues.