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The 2023 Fostering Policy-Relevant Psychological Research series of five webinars (with accompanying toolkits) aim to demystify the process of conducting policy-relevant research for those people who are a) already doing it, b) interested in doing it, and c) mentoring and evaluating others who are doing it. The series is being sponsored by APA Divisions 9 (The Society for the Psychological Study of Social Issues, or SPSSI), 8 (The Society for Personality and Social Psychology), 27 (The Society for Community Research and Action), 35 (The Society for the Psychology of Women), 44 (The Society for the Psychology of Sexual Orientation and Gender Diversity), and 45 (The Society for the Psychological Study of Culture, Ethnicity and Race), with funding from the Committee on Division/APA Relations (CODAPAR). Our goal is to enhance psychologists' knowledge and skills in the broad domain of policy and practice implications of psychological research.

This project is being led by Division 9 President Abigail (Abby) Stewart, PhD and has team members representing all of the participating divisions, including: Patrick Grzanka, PhD (Division 9), Kevin Carriere, PhD (Division 9), Nathan (Nate) Deichert, PhD (Division 8), Julie Garcia, PhD (Division 8), John Paul Wilson, PhD (Division 8), Sara Buckingham, PhD (Division 27), Raquel Rose (Division 27), Jacqueline (Jackie) White, PhD (Division 35), Richard Sprott, PhD (Division 44), Michele Schlehofer, PhD (Division 44), and Helen Hsu, PsyD (Division 45). Sarah Mancoll, the Policy Director for Division 9, provided administrative support for the series. 

Can't attend the webinars live? All webinars will be recorded for later viewing. The links to these recordings and the related toolkits are available on this webpage.

Integrated Toolkit: Fostering Policy-Related Psychological Research


CODAPAR Series Webinar 1 Ad

CODAPAR Series Webinar 1: Why Policy? Understanding the Critical Link Between Research and Policy (Click here to watch) (Click here for the accompanying toolkit)

Date: Wednesday, March 29, 2023 from 12-1 pm ET (9-10 am PT)

This 1-hour webinar will illuminate for scientists the importance of research in informing policy and practice. Learn why you should care about policy and how to make your research useful to policy makers.

Panelists include:

This webinar was organized by Sara Buckingham, PhD (Division 27, University of Alaska Anchorage), Nathan (Nate) Deichert, PhD (Division 8, Black Hills State University), and Raquel Rose (Division 27, New York University). Sara Buckingham, PhD moderated the webinar.


CODAPAR Webinar 2 Ad

CODAPAR Series Webinar 2: Taking the First Steps Toward Policy-Relevant Research (Click here to watch) (Click here for the accompanying toolkit)

Date: Wednesday, April 26, 2023 from 4-5 pm ET (1-2 pm PT)

This 1-hour webinar is aimed at people who have not yet figured out how to do research that is useful to policymakers and/or practitioners, or who are struggling to do so. The webinar will also include attention to the value of community and counseling/clinical partnerships for research.

Panelists include:

This webinar was organized and moderated by by John Paul Wilson, PhD (Division 8) and Helen Hsu, PsyD (Division 45).


CODAPAR Webinar 3 Announcement


CODAPAR Series Webinar 3: How Do You Make Your Research Matter to Policy Makers and Practitioners? (Click here to watch)(Click here for the accompanying toolkit)

Date: Friday, September 15, 2023  |  12-1 pm ET

Panelists include:

STEVE NEWELL, PhD (Assistant Director for Innovation and Equity, White House Office of Science and Technology Policy)

MARY KOSS, PhD (Regents’ Professor of Public Health); The University of Arizona)

NICHOLAS GRANT, PhD, ABPP (Clinical Psychologist, U.S. Navy)

Organizers: Jacquelyn W. White, PhD (UNC Greensboro, Division 35) and Richard A. Sprott, PhD (California State University, East Bay, Division 44)

CODAPAR Series Webinar 4: Slaying Trolls: Navigating Your Online Presence When Doing Controversial Policy-Relevant Research
(Click here to watch)(Click here for the accompanying toolkit)

Date: Tuesday, October 3, 2023  |  12-1 pm ET

Panelists include:

LILIA CORTINA, PhD (University Diversity and Social Transformation Professor of Psychology, Women's & Gender Studies, and Management & Organizations, University of Michigan Ann Arbor)

JENNIFER D. RUBIN, PhD (Senior Researcher, foundry10)

TANIA ISRAEL, PhD (Associate Dean for Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion and Professor of Counseling Psychology, University of California, Santa Barbara)

Organizers: Julie Garcia, PhD (California Polytechnic State University, Division 8) and Kevin Carriere, PhD (Stonehill College, Division 9)

Moderator: Linda Tropp, PhD (Professor of Social Psychology, University of Massachusetts Amherst)

CODAPAR Series Webinar 5: Creating a Policy-Relevant Psychology: Best Practices for Research and Mentoring (Click here to watch(Click here for the accompanying toolkit)

Date: Thursday, November 2, 2023  |  12-1 pm ET

Panelists include:

HIROKAZU YOSHIKAWA, PhD (Courtney Sale Ross Professor of Globalization and Education at NYU Steinhardt and University Professor at New York University)

BIANCA D.M. WILSON, PhD (Rabbi Zacky Senior Scholar of Public Policy at the Williams Institute, UCLA School of Law)

OLENA HANKIVSKY, PhD (Professor, School of Public Policy, Simon Fraser University)

Organizers: Patrick Grzanka, PhD (University of Tennessee Knoxville, Division 9) and Michele Schlehofer, PhD (Salisbury University, Division 44)

Moderator: Nicholas Grant, PhD, ABPP (Clinical Psychologist, U.S. Navy)